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Vicenza english news

Di Nicola Grolla Mercoledi 11 Settembre 2013 alle 10:49 | 0 commenti


1) Matteo Quero is Amcps’s new unique administrator, now it’s official

From September 10th, Marino Quaresimin enters the supervision committee as the new president; for this reason he quitted his role inside Amcps. The associates council nominates the private entrepreneur Matteo Quero as the new unique administrator.

The council wishes the best for Quero’s work and hopes that the business line will not change, following the brand reinforcement in a free market regime.

2) New school year, Schneck makes an evaluation about the construction plan

Attilio Schneck greets the new coming school year with an evaluation about the construction plan: «I hope it will be an intensive and good year which can give back the right role of school and education: school shouldn’t be an intermediate step in life, but the engine which can carry us out of the crisis. We do not know the meaning of fatalism or resignation, thanks to a good education system». After that, Schneck reminds the province’s initiatives in favor of a schools’ buildings renovation and the support given to books and transport tickets purchase – an allocation of 2M euros.

3)Agriculture and drought, Veneto allocates 11M euros

Veneto region has allocated almost 11M euros to support the agricultural businesses which suffered the 2012 drought. Franco Manzato – regional councilor for agriculture – has revealed that: «The regional initiative provides grants and a five years special loan. The allocation is enough for all the 12m requests, but in accord with the agricultural associations we have decided to give priority to the five years special loan». In this way, Veneto region expects that farmers will be able to afford all the costs and have some cash to spend for this season.   

9 settembre

1) The fresh mushrooms stand arrives in Piazza delle Erbe

Annamaria Cordova announces the opening of a new stand inside the flower market: «The fresh mushroom stand is available in the city center, again. From Wednesday September 11th, it will be open every week inside the flower market». Thanks to the collaboration with the association Botteghe di Piazza delle Erbe, from 8 am to 12.30 am, both flowers and mushrooms are going to be sold. According to the different seasons, customers could find a large variety of fresh mushrooms and other mixed berries. Furthermore, Piazza delle Erbe is also hosting a market of soil products on Tuesday and Thursday.

2) Trissino and Ambrosoli junior high schools: the yards are opening  ten minutes before the bell

From Thursday September 12th – first day of school – Trissino and Ambrosoli junior high schools are opening their yards ten minutes before the bell ringing; respectively at 7.35 am and 7.40 am. After a trial period during the last school year, the town administration has decided to renew the initiative and make the yards becoming public places. The purpose is to create a safe zone in order to avoid the group formation outside the schools, on the sidewalk. Nevertheless,  school authorities remind that in that ten minutes there is no supervision and children must observe a good behavior.

3) The “Gioiello di Vicenza” is visiting the oncological ward of San Bortolo hospital

Davide Fiore –president of the committee for the Gioiello di Vicenza  - has communicated that the Vicenza’s landmark is transferred to the oncological ward of San Bortolo hospital for Septmeber 8th celebrations. The initiative aims to make a piece of the city available for the patients, who cannot quit the hospital. The Gioiello di Vicenza is displayed from September 10th.  


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Giovedi 27 Dicembre 2018 alle 17:38 da Luciano Parolin (Luciano)
In Panettone e ruspe, Comitato Albera al cantiere della Bretella. Rolando: "rispettare il cronoprogramma"
Caro fratuck, conosco molto bene la zona, il percorso della bretella, la situazione dei cittadini, abito in Viale Trento. A partire dal 2003 ho partecipato al Comitato di Maddalene pro bretella, e a riunioni propositive per apportare modifiche al progetto. Numerose mie foto del territorio sono arrivate a Roma, altri miei interventi (non graditi dalla Sx) sono stati pubblicati dal GdV, assieme ad altri come Ciro Asproso, ora favorevole alla bretella. Ho partecipato alla raccolta firme per la chiusura della strada x 5 giorni eseguita dal Sindaco Hullwech per sforamento 180 Micro/g. Pertanto come impegno per la tematica sono apposto con la coscienza. Ora il Progetto è partito, fine! Voglio dire che la nuova Giunta "comunale" non c'entra più. L'opera sarà "malauguratamente" eseguita, ma non con il mio placet. Il Consigliere Comunale dovrebbe capire che la campagna elettorale è finita, con buona pace di tutti. Quello che invece dovrebbe interessare è la proprietà della strada, dall'uscita autostradale Ovest, sino alla Rotatoria dell'Albara, vi sono tre possessori: Autostrade SpA; La Provincia, il Comune. Come la mettiamo per il futuro ? I costi, da 50 sono saliti a 100 milioni di € come dire 20 milioni a KM (!) da non credere. Comunque si farà. Ma nessuno canti Vittoria, anzi meglio non farne un ulteriore fatto "partitico" per questioni elettorali o di seggio. Se mi manda la sua mail, sono disponibile ad inviare i documenti e le foto sopra descritte. Con ossequi, Luciano Parolin [email protected]
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