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Vicenza english news

Di Nicola Grolla Venerdi 6 Settembre 2013 alle 18:52 | 0 commenti


1) Manifestation against territory militarization, Dovigo: i twill be a actively participated

Even if she will not be present, Valentina Dovigo – town councilor for Lista Civica, Sel – has communicated her sympathize for all the people who will participate at the September 7th manifestation organized by NO-Dal Molin movement; in the same time, Dovigo also underlines again the environmental consequences produced by the construction works for the military base.

: «As a minority town council, it will be difficult for me to make people understand which are the problems connected with the base; and, in the same time, verify the correct application of all the correct regulations. I will try to do so proposing a new idea of urban development focused on the reduction of military bases».


2) Latterie Vicentine will exhibit a huge wheel of Asiago cheese

During “Festa della transumanza” in Bressanvido (VI), on September 29th, Latterie Vicentine is inaugurating the new productive site of Asiago dop. At 3.30pm, a huge wheel of Asiago cheese (almost 800kg) will be revealed and cut. After the degustation, all the slices of cheese sold will contribute to finance Fondazione città della speranza – a charity association supporting the research against cancer. Alessandro Mocellin –president of Latterie Vicentine – has expressed his opinion: «In a difficult economical moment, we are proud to present our new site, built in a place where the free range is a well-known and  respected practice».


3) Caldogno, the cultural activities start again

After the summer break, Luisa Benedini has reminded that the new cultural season is ready to start. On September, in Villa Caldogno, the public administration has organized a series of initiatives such as: an architectural seminary, a photographic exhibition, some concerts and an art exhibition dealing with Giuseppe Bettanello’s production – entitled “Io mi ricordo”. Benedini has said: «These are high quality initiatives which could have been carried out thanks to a close voluntary teamwork. Moreover, Villa Caldogno represent our added value».    



1) Red carpet in Corso Fogazzaro, street events for everyone till Chiesa dei Carmini

Saturday September 7th, the one kilometer red carpet will be laid down in Corso Fogazzaro for the first event of “Weekend in Corso Fogazzaro”. This initiative is backed by the town administration and is organized by the associations Portici del Corso Fogazzaro, Botteghe di S. Lorenzo, Tritone. The red carpet is covering all the distance between the crossroad with Corso Palladio and Chiesa dei Carmini. Along the street, elegant gazebos and stands will host different exhibitors. The first date is September 7th, with the old goods market. On September 14th, instead, during the “Happy Night”, all the Corso Fogazzaro’s shops are remaining open. “Cena sotto le stele”, on September 21st, will be  the core social happening – booking is necessary in order to participate.


2) Violence against women, Fracasso: from the regional commission some concrete measures are coming

Stefano Fracasso – regional councilor for PD –has commented the vote in favor of the regional law about the violence against women: «PD strongly wanted this law, now we work to improve it. The news show us that we have a lot to do creating and strengthening the correct instruments to prevent and contrast every abuse». Concretely, the new measures envisage the adoption of new standards of financial aid in favor of different structures and activities, such as the contribute for the guests at the haven houses.


3) VicenzapiùTV: with “Chiaramente calcio” you can watch all the football Lega Pro highlights including Bassano’s and Real’s ones

VicenzapiùTV – channel 193 SporTelevision – enlarges the space dedicated to Bassano and Real Vicenza broadcasting all the Lega Pro highlights. From September 5th, not only the goals but all the interviews will be shown on TV during “Chiaramente calico” the weekly brand new show about football.     


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Giovedi 27 Dicembre 2018 alle 17:38 da Luciano Parolin (Luciano)
In Panettone e ruspe, Comitato Albera al cantiere della Bretella. Rolando: "rispettare il cronoprogramma"
Caro fratuck, conosco molto bene la zona, il percorso della bretella, la situazione dei cittadini, abito in Viale Trento. A partire dal 2003 ho partecipato al Comitato di Maddalene pro bretella, e a riunioni propositive per apportare modifiche al progetto. Numerose mie foto del territorio sono arrivate a Roma, altri miei interventi (non graditi dalla Sx) sono stati pubblicati dal GdV, assieme ad altri come Ciro Asproso, ora favorevole alla bretella. Ho partecipato alla raccolta firme per la chiusura della strada x 5 giorni eseguita dal Sindaco Hullwech per sforamento 180 Micro/g. Pertanto come impegno per la tematica sono apposto con la coscienza. Ora il Progetto è partito, fine! Voglio dire che la nuova Giunta "comunale" non c'entra più. L'opera sarà "malauguratamente" eseguita, ma non con il mio placet. Il Consigliere Comunale dovrebbe capire che la campagna elettorale è finita, con buona pace di tutti. Quello che invece dovrebbe interessare è la proprietà della strada, dall'uscita autostradale Ovest, sino alla Rotatoria dell'Albara, vi sono tre possessori: Autostrade SpA; La Provincia, il Comune. Come la mettiamo per il futuro ? I costi, da 50 sono saliti a 100 milioni di € come dire 20 milioni a KM (!) da non credere. Comunque si farà. Ma nessuno canti Vittoria, anzi meglio non farne un ulteriore fatto "partitico" per questioni elettorali o di seggio. Se mi manda la sua mail, sono disponibile ad inviare i documenti e le foto sopra descritte. Con ossequi, Luciano Parolin [email protected]
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