English news: tuesday 20 august top five
Venerdi 23 Agosto 2013 alle 17:10 | 0 commenti

1)Zanoni inspected Valsugana and Pedemontana construction sites
On August 22nd, Andra Zanoni met the committee No-Traforo Grappa: «I'm at the citizens' side, they are trying to protect their health and territory from a new flow of cement and asphalt». Zanoni - member of the European commission for environment, healthcare and alimentary security - went to Romano d'Ezzelino (Vicenza) for an inspection at the Monte Grappa tunnel's construction site, together with the No-Traforo Grappa committee and the members of Labc association - both manifesting against the tunnel construction provided for the new Valsugana, an highway with fee from Castelfranco Veneto e Cismon del Grappa.Â
During the same day, Zanoni also met the committees against Pedemontana - another highway with fee built as a connection between the Treviso area and the Vicenza one.
2) Prf women forum: why we don't like the new law proposal about crimes against women
Irene Rui - member of Rifondazione Comunista's women forum of Vicenza - has commented the beginning of parliament work to approve the new law about crimes against women. According to Rui's opinion, the new la proposal meets an high expectation, but it has been also exploited by the government. If the law proposal is a political answer to a people request, it was used to silence the protesters. Irene Rui has underlined how the government is still carrying on a repressive policy about security which doesn't consider the education and prevention options. In relation with the particular attack on women, Rui affirmed that the Istanbul paper hasn't been followed; whereas, the new law proposal introduce the difference between a crime perpetrated on a pregnant or married woman and the one on a not pregnant or not married woman - it is expected three years more for who commits the first kind of crime. Rui was firmly convinced that only a proper affective education can prevent women abuse.
3) Don Albino Bizzotto continues his fasting against the environmental emergency in Veneto
Stable conditions for Don Albino Bizzotto who started a fasting on August 16th. The priest is daily monitored by a doctor who visits him at his new home: a camping van parked in front of his association site - the association is called Beati i costruttori di pace, via A. Da Tempo 2, Padua. A lot of commendations has arrived at Don Bizzotto's place, commenting and backing the priest's protest. «This means that there is a common feeling committed to stop the flaw of cement and asphalt on our territory», said Don Bizzotto.
4) Round-point in viale Mazzini, Balbi: by the end of August the temporary solution project will have been completed
Cristina Balbi - town councilor for urban maintenance - has affirmed: «By the end of August the project for a temporary round-point between viale Mazzini and via Cairoli will have been completed». Further works will follow. The allocation comes from the money saved during corso Fogazzaro's street works, and from a reassessment of urban parking project.
5) Fiscal fidelity chart, Zaia: it confirms that Veneto is not a tax evaders' place
Luca Zaia - regional president - has commented the result of a fiscal fidelity chart published by Il Sole 24Ore: «The chart certificates that Veneto is not a tax evaders' place. There are no other reasons to explain how every year the region has an active fiscal rest of 18M euros. The solution for the fiscal pressure problem is to adopt a unique tax for enterprises, not over 35%». Furthermore, Zaia has also proposed Veneto as the experimental area on which the national government could test this kind of taxation. «Pay less and everyone should pay», this is Zaia's motto.
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