English news sunday 18 august top five
Venerdi 23 Agosto 2013 alle 16:38 | 0 commenti

1) Don Albino Bizzotto fasts for the environmental emergency in Veneto
A letter from Don Albino Bizzotto has arrived at the newsroom. What does it say? Don Albino Bizzotto started fasting from August 16th in order to advocate a solution about the environmental emergency in Veneto. Don Bizzotto doesn't ask for personal solidarity, but this doesn't mean that he wouldn't like to be interviewed or contacted to offer his personal experience at many others associations or individuals keen on the same matter.
You can reach Don Bizzotto at his new place: a camping van parked in via A. Da Tempo 2 (Padua) from where he is running his everyday life meeting people who would like to spread his message.Â
2) Alessia Lazzari from Vicenza is the new Miss Kaos. Festival Show a Jesolo Friday, August 16th in Jesolo (Venice), it was held the last phase of the Festival Show - 8th edition - with very famous guests such as the pop singer Arisa and the music duo Sonhora. During the same night beauty was put under the lights with Miss Kaos elections - 3rd edition of a beauty contest dedicated to the famous fashion brand from Bologna. Fourteen girls from all over Veneto modeled to win the pass for the finals, which are going to be held in Verona - September 10th. Alessia Lazzari from Grisignano del Zocco (Vicenza) won the Jesolo leg and entered the finals where eight more misses was waiting for another competitor.
3) If in Vicenza occurred a new relationship between nomads and settle down people
Here comes an evaluation about a well-known subject for VicenzaPiù's readers: the nomad communities problem. During this last time, we've been trying to understand what was nomads' actual situation in Vicenza. It has come out that the nomad communities problem deals with both the nomads - forced to enter the nomad camp because there are no other places where to settle down; as it happened with the viale Cricoli camp - and the town inhabitants - who feels the camp more as a problem than as a way to integrate people inside the social-urban texture. Davide Casadio - president of Federazione rom e sinti insieme - has proposed to create some micro-areas where the nomads can settle down, instead of the nomad camp, in order to tear down the physical and metaphorical barriers between nomads and settled down people. In the meanwhile, waiting for the micro-areas, it could be useful to recognize the nomad camps' role of increasing annoyance both for the nomads and the settle down people.
4) Contrà Pedemuro San Biagio: from Monday 19th the crossroad with Corso Fogazzaro is being opened
From Moanday 19th, the crossroad between Contrà Pedemuro San Biagio and Corso Fogazzaro is being opened. At the end of the public works which were started in order to revise the public transports organization in that area, a new pedestrian way has been built - on which you can just lead your bicycle, waiting for the proper cycling path. The entire work cost is about 50K, allocation coming from the money saved during the street works in Corso Fogazzaro. The street modifications will be maintained with an experimental purpose aiming to adopt the same solution of Corso Fogazzaro.
5) Ferragosto, a lot of visitors chose Teatro Olimpico, Basilica Palladiana and Musei Civici
During Ferragosto day off, a lot of visitors decided to enter Basilica Palladiana (950 visitors). Teatro Olimpico (695 visitors) and Palazzo Chiericati (444 visitors) follow at second and third place. According to the last year visitors' number, a sensitive increasing was registered. Jacopo Bulgarini d'Elci - Vicenza's deputy mayor - has commented the news: «Evidently, Vicenza's fame has spread out thanks to its monuments and art masterpieces. This aspect underlines that promotion efforts all over the country worth it».
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