English news: monday 19 august top four
Venerdi 23 Agosto 2013 alle 16:43 | 0 commenti

1) Deaths in the agricultural sector, an endless tragedy. And renovate the tractor fleet it's a challenge
Mauro Rossato - president of Vega Engineering job security forum - has said: «The number of mortal accidents in the agricultural sector doesn't decrease. In the first trimester of 2013 we have already recorded a 10% increase in relation with 2012 (from 99 to 108 deaths). Farmers die because of they are crushed with their vehicles or because of they get drawn on their fields».Â
The causes could be a danger underestimation or the use of old and unsafe machines; the crisis implement this aspect preventing the farmers to renovate their machines fleet. According to Rossato, this is the level on which politics should step in: «Politics should envisage some incentive plans for the machineries' renovation». Backing this assessment, it comes a resource completed by Unacoma (the federation of agricultural machineries constructors): less 17,4% of machinery enrollment in 2012 (in relation with 2011) and less 3% in the first trimester of 2013 (in relation with 2012).
2) Erri De Luca, Lucio Caracciolo e David Vine are going to be guests at No-Dal Molin Festival
Friday 23rd August, Festival No-Dal Molin starts with a series of lectures and debates with experts and high valued people from the culture world. On August 28th, Gruppo No-Muos will step in with one of his representatives, Fabio Di Salvatore, followed by Antonio Mazzeo, well-known investigative reporter.
On August 31st, the Italian writer Erri De Luca will meet his readers - after the previous meeting at the Festival, in 2007 - to bring them his experience as citizen from Napoli, VI US Navy fleet's base.
Thursday 5th September, the guest is Lucio Caracciolo, director of the Italian magazine Limes - dealing with geopolitics - who will debate with the audience about militarization and military bases. At the same time, during the Festival's entire length, David Vine - a US anthropologist - will be the constant reference because of his researches about military base on the US territory.
3) Agriculture, Manzato: wideband to farms is a competitive factor
Franco Manzato - regional councilor for agriculture - affirmed: «Agriculture is made on the fields and in the farms, but you build a business with computers. Our farmers are ready to face this upgrade, which deserves a faster network to complete using the European founds». Manzato and Marino Zorzato - regional vice-president - are carrying on the project to cut down the digital divide problem and increase the wideband network. This means the construction of several infrastructures all over rural areas. The wideband project costs about 22M euros.
4) Ciambetti from Lega Nord: the state cares its affairs but not its citizens' health
Roberto Ciambetti - regional councilor from Lega Nord party - has commented the relationship between state's cuts on healthcare and a worsening about life expectation. Due to the economic crisis, the austerity policies enabled all over Europe have caused a negative record about deaths and spread of diseases.
Ciambetti has recalled a medical research published by Oxford University dealing with the effects of a 80 euros per person cut down in healthcare services: all the normal health records have got worse.
Although Ciambetti doesn't have any kind of national record, he is pretty sure about the strong connection between healthcare cuts and a worse life expectation. In order to prevent all this, Ciambetti has tried to focus the public attention on a topic which must be solved if we don't want to make the weaker class of the population pay for all of us.
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