Luigi Creazzo:alle primarie del Pd un "costituente" del partito
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Giovedi 27 Dicembre 2012 alle 18:28
Luigi Creazzo: tra i candidati alle primarie del Pd c'è un "costituente" del partito.
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Sezioni: Quotidiano
Categorie: Politica, Interviste
Inviato Venerdi 11 Gennaio 2013 alle 23:12
Mr. Darcy he's my (second) favorite Austen man! (No one beats Mr. Knightly, in my onoipin I'm so glad to have found your site. OK, now for the question du jour, my favorite thing about Christmas is the lights. Definitely the lights. The Columbus (OH) Zoo puts out a couple million lights each year and though it is frigid outside, it is packed with folks. Lights must be popular. But they are so Christmasy to me. Love them. (and nativities, but that's another story altogether).
Inviato Lunedi 14 Gennaio 2013 alle 10:00
wWEmYL tllbwoyinbrr
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