Google "cicca" la mappa, ma Aim vi porta in Basilica

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Di Giovanni Coviello (Direttore responsabile VicenzaPiù) | Martedi 2 Ottobre 2012 alle 15:07

Google "cicca" la mappa, ma Aim vi porta in Basilica.

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Sezioni: Quotidiano


Inviato Lunedi 19 Novembre 2012 alle 10:39

Ben - You need a permit redsaglers of when you shoot at the national mall. We showed up without a permit and inspite of the early hour there were guards everywhere. The ones at the Lincoln Memorial asked if what we were doing was a commercial photo shoot and we told them we were not. They were fine with us shooting as long as there were no tripods involved and we weren't reselling the images. The guard at the Jefferson Memorial was not understanding at all and threatened multiple times to take my cameras and arrest us. Whether he could have or would I do not know and was not willing to try and find out. Ultimately what it boils down to is chance you COULD end up shooting at one of the monuments in DC with no problem and then be unable to shoot at another one. Or maybe you could shoot at all of them without a problem, I think during the day when it's really crowded you're probably a lot less likely to draw attention because of the crowds but if you're counting on getting the shots then the only way to ensure this is by getting a permit.
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