
Inviato Giovedi 30 Maggio 2013 alle 09:44

I've really lnerat something new today! I can't believe that you guys across the pond get political phone spam.That's scary. I guess it won't be long until we have the same here in the UK Simon Cowell will be calling me up asking me to not just vote on his latest TV show, but to vote Conservative too!!
Inviato Domenica 9 Giugno 2013 alle 15:38

zGBfRC , [url=]obtnyttjdaqh[/url], [link=]vjkltdxzlfat[/link],
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Folla al Palafiera per Renzi

Di Redazione VicenzaPiù | Sabato 16 Febbraio 2013 alle 01:03

Folla al Palafiera: ah, se avesse vinto Renzi!

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